The Prussian Officer and Other Stories


The Prussian Officer and Other Stories er safn smásagna eftir enska rithöfundinn og skáldið D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930). Safnið kom fyrst út árið 1914. Smásögurnar heita: The Prussian Officer, The Thorn in the Flesh, Daughters of the Vicar, A Fragment of Stained Glass, The Shades of Spring, Second Best, The Shadow in the Rose Garden, Goose Fair, The White Stocking, A Sick Collier, The Christening og Odour of Chrysanthemums. Cate Barratt les á ensku.

The Prussian Officer and Other Stories

The Prussian Officer and Other Stories er safn smásagna eftir enska rithöfundinn og skáldið D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930). Safnið kom fyrst út árið 1914.

Smásögurnar heita: The Prussian Officer, The Thorn in the Flesh, Daughters of the Vicar, A Fragment of Stained Glass, The Shades of Spring, Second Best, The Shadow in the Rose Garden, Goose Fair, The White Stocking, A Sick Collier, The Christening og Odour of Chrysanthemums.

Cate Barratt les á ensku.

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